How You Can Reduce Your Household Fire Risk | SERVPRO® of New Orleans Uptown & Mid-City
9/13/2020 (Permalink)

We would all like to say that we never want to experience a fire in our home, but how many of us are actively working to prevent one? A house fire can start and begin to spread in under a minute, leading to devastation that is often quite sudden and unexpected.
However, by working to lower your fire risk, you can significantly improve the overall safety of your home. Preparing your household and your family members, paired with practicing good fire safety habits, can go a long way in making sure you never have to deal with the complicated aftermath of a house fire.
Avoid Dealing With the Aftermath of a House Fire
Check your smoke detectors. Any time households are hoping to increase their fire safety, installing adequate numbers of smoke detectors is the very first step. Smoke detectors are key for alerting your family if a fire has begun, ensuring you will never be caught by surprise and can execute a swift escape when they sound.
Create a fire escape plan. Making sure that your family members feel comfortable escaping your home quickly in case of a fire is so important. Fire escapes should be done in under two minutes to avoid dangerous smoke inhalation. By drafting a solid plan and practicing it often, you can be certain that everyone will know exactly what to do.
Limit your fire risks. Your daily habits have a lot to do with the overall fire risk in your household, too. By being vigilant about things like not overloading electrical outlets, replacing frayed cords and avoiding leaving cooking food unattended, you can cut down significantly on your overall household risk.
Keep a fire extinguisher handy. Having a fire extinguisher nearby is a must any time you will be dealing with an open flame, such as when you are cooking, grilling or using your fireplace. If it is safe to use one, knowing how to and acting swiftly can stop a fire in its tracks, turning a potential household disaster into a near-miss, instead.
If your home is damaged by a house fire, we are here to help. Our expert fire restoration technicians are here 24⁄7 to spring into action as soon as you call. Contact us at any hour to report your damage and receive a quick response.